Keeping up your Pilates practice over the summer

Growing up, the month of June always signaled the end of the school year. I have fond memories of anxiously waiting for that last day of school and the beginning of summer vacation. For me, summer meant popsicles (blue tongues anyone?), days at the Calgary Stampede (can we say a big Yee-Haw?), and bike rides around the Glenmore reservoir. 

While most of us no longer have the luxury of eight weeks off without any responsibilities, many of us take advantage of our short Canadian summers by taking a long weekend or a week off during July or August. With the hot weather and those patios beckoning us to enjoy our favorite summer drinks, a Pilates workout might be the last thing on our minds, especially if we are on vacation. However, if you are the type of person who likes to still fit in exercise while you are away from home, here are five ways to fit a Pilates workout in: 

  • Bring your mat with you. If you are road-tripping or camping, this is super easy, as you can toss a mat in your trunk and you are ready to roll. If you are flying, pack along a travel mat, and workout in your hotel room, or on the beach. You don’t need to do a full mat workout, but can choose to do the Stomach Series (single leg stretch, double leg stretch, scissors, double leg lower, oblique twist), or Romana Kryzanowska’s Basic 5 (Hundred, Roll Up, Single Leg Circle, Rolling like a Ball and Spine Stretch Forward). These should take you less than 10 minutes, very doable.

  • Take your workout online. There are many online Pilates sites that you can sign up for, and have a mat workout at your fingertips.

  • Be a visitor to a new studio where you are vacationing. Whenever I travel to a new city, I make sure to fit in a Pilates, GYROTONIC®, barre or yoga class. I love experiencing new teachers and classes, and it is always inspiring for me to be the student, and not the teacher :)

  • Incorporate the Pilates principles into any activity you do on vacation. For example, on your morning walk, focus on your breath. As Pilates wrote, “Breathe properly, walk correctly, and swing along briskly. If you follow this sound advice you will find yourself feeling comfortable and invigorated.” (Return to Life, 28) While water-skiing, find your center to stay on your skis, and out of the water.

  • Use what you find in your new surroundings. A park bench is the perfect spot to work on Leg Pull Front and your Pilates push up technique, and the pool flotation bed can serve as a mat for the Side Leg Series (and if you’re courageous enough, Teasers). How about that bar stool, where you are drinking your summer sangria? Perfect for Spine Twist.

 Lastly, do not feel guilty if you decide not to fit in a workout at all while on vacation! Studies have shown that incorporating a “down-time” or short break from working out can actually enhance and improve your Pilates practice upon your return a couple of weeks later. So relax, enjoy, and breathe deeply – you deserve it! Do you exercise or keep up your Pilates practice while on vacation?  I would love to know! 


Disclaimer: The content of this blog is for informational purposes only, and is the sole property of Flow Pilates & Wellness. I am not a doctor or a registered dietician, and this blog’s content is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your exercise routine or diet. The content of this blog may contain links to other websites. Flow Pilates & Wellness is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party.