Celebrate your successes
“Congratulations! Today is your day.You’re off to Great Places!You’re off and away!”
Do you remember reading the Dr. Seuss book, “Oh, The places You’’ll Go?” It is often given as a graduation gift, to celebrate new adventures in life. After our graduation ceremony, that day and all the days leading up to it quickly fade into the background, with the future taking center stage. So many decisions to make: what career path to take, live at home or move out, or travel before starting university or college. Our focus quickly narrows in on our next big accomplishment, or getting to the next stage of our lives.
“And when things start to happen,don't worry. Don't stew.Just go right along.You'll start happening too. OH!THE PLACES YOU'LL GO!” (Oh, the Places You’’ll Go, Dr. Seuss)
How does this relate to our Pilates practice? We know that Pilates is process-oriented rather than goal-oriented, but sometimes in the studio we can get over-excited about a new exercise and all we can think about is “getting a perfect teaser”, and getting to an end goal. So when we aren’t able to get that “perfect teaser” on our first try, we get frustrated, and are hard on ourselves for not being able to “get it”right away.
What if instead of beating ourselves up for not being able to do the exercise today, we chose to look how far we have come?
Do you remember the first time you learned the Hundred? No one ever starts the Hundred in the full expression of the exercise (lifting the legs straight up from the floor, and hovering only six inches off the floor with the legs and upper body, with full arm pumps to one hundred). Rather, we learn the Hundred in steps, working towards the full expression.
I vaguely remember the first time I learned the Hundred. It was in my Dance Conditioning class at dance college, and all I remember was that my hip flexors were screaming (legs straight) and that my abdominals hurt afterwards. Fast forward four more years, and my experience of the Hundred was much more pleasant, and probably more like how you will remember your first experience: Knees bent, practiced the head rolling up a number of times first, worked on the coordination of the breath with the arm pumps, etc.
Over the years my Hundred has evolved, and each time it feels like a new experience. Compare how your Hundred feels and looks today, compared to the very first time you tried it. Have you noticed that you do it with more ease? Straighter legs? More control? Have more stamina? Look how far you have come! Choose to look at your Pilates practice as a process, with many celebratory steps along the way. It doesn’t matter what the “end” or full expression of the exercise is – you have come so far, and are moving towards what Pilates called, the ideal.
“If you will faithfully perform your Contrology exercises….you will find your body development approaching the ideal, accompanied by renewed mental vigor and spiritual enhancement”. (Return to Life, pp.18-19).
That, my Pilates friend, is something worth celebrating. Can you think of examples of how far you have come in your Pilates practice, and what you can celebrate? I would love for you to share in the comments below.
Disclaimer: The content of this blog is for informational purposes only, and is the sole property of Flow Pilates & Wellness. I am not a doctor or a registered dietician, and this blog’s content is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you have any concerns regarding your exercise routine or diet. The content of this blog may contain links to other websites. Flow Pilates & Wellness is not responsible for the privacy policies or practices of any third party.